Friday, September 17, 2010

A couple of Life's funny moments, courtesy of my better half

My better half enjoying quality time with his best bud, Sarah Jane

I feel sorry for family and friends who too often have a columnist in their midst during embarrassing moments.

One recent afternoon I was either working away in my upstairs foyer office or I was catching up with Facebook, when I heard a mild swear word coming from inside the Bat Cave. The first thought that popped into my head was that someone was having trouble with their TV channels. I was wrong.

The door opened and this question was posed: “Do you have anything that’ll take Super Glue off of skin?”

I slowly turned around to find that someone had glued two of his fingers together. “How did that happen?” I asked as I Googled “how to remove super glue from skin”.

The answer was just as comical as the result. “I was gluing a tennis ball to the doorknob,” came the reply.


Turns out that fingernail polish remover might do the trick but we had none on hand, so to speak. I do use nail polish, but I nibble it off instead of removing it the sensible way. Eventually the glue came off, but the memory gives me the giggles.

Another funny thing happened the other night. I had baked a cherry pie to take over to Mom’s for our weekly family gathering and gab fest. Everyone seemed to like it, though I did detect longing glances toward a banana cream pie on the counter. If that one hadn’t been too frozen to cut, I might have had more cherry pie left over to take home.

As it was there were two good size pieces left, and I passed the glass pie plate to hubby to put inside its plastic carrier. Someone, I won’t surmise who, might have missed clicking the carrier completely shut because the conversation around the table was rudely interrupted by a loud crash.

“Whoa,” said someone. Whoa indeed. Splattered cherries and flaky crust could be seen on Mom’s shiny kitchen floor and her lovely throw rug. The glass plate wasn’t broken, and when we turned it over, I found two lonely cherries clinging to a small piece of crust.

Hubby and his brother cleaned up the mess, and everyone felt bad that there was no pie to take home but that was fine with me. I’m sure the banana cream pie is thawed by now, so we’ll just have to pop over and have a piece—if someone hasn’t eaten it already.

You know who you are.

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